Company Reaserches Regarding Time and Insurance of Shelf-Life of Carcass, Cut Pieces and Chicken Organs
chicken meat, quality, shelf -lifeAbstract
The paper aims to study the shelf-life of the housing, cut up pieces and chicken organs in a company slaughterhouse during the summer. The hybrid is Ross 308. Quality samples, taken randomly during the production process from various parts, was studied by means of specific laboratory from microbiological point of view (determination of Salmonella and E.coli, NTG), organoleptical and physico-chemical (easily hydrolyzable nitrogen and Kreiss reaction) during the eight days, until they exceeded the admited limits. Temperatures measured in depth of the products of the experiment exceeded the upper limit allowed by 3-4 degrees in the carcasse and 8-10 degrees in organs. In terms of NTG in the liver they started to decrease in the third day of storage,in the gizzard and heart, there is a continuing increase in values during the entire experiment. This, like the gizzard increase in nitrogen value, although values range, may be a consequence of high temperatures packing and refrigeration products very slow. Storage conditions experienced cyclical deviations from the optimum temperature due to icing phenomenon of evaporators. As a technical solution for evenly temperature during storage, it may be suggested purchasing a backup refrigerating space. From the organoleptical point of view, all products undergo changes untill the sixth day, which recommends the establishment of shelf-life to this day. Microbiological and physico-chemical exceeding limits occurs on days seven and eight. The results, in addition to purely commercial usefulness can be considered a barometer of the correct application of technology to slaughter, hygienic production and the storage conditions of goods.
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