Effect of Different Levels of Dietary Protein and Energy on the Growth and Slaughter Performance at „Hybro PN+” Broiler Chickens


  • Adela Marcu Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Timişoara, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 300645-Timisoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Ioan Vacaru-Opriş Faculty of Animal Sciences, 700490-Iasi, M. Sadoveanu, 3, Romania 3S.C. LUCKY VET SRL, 300222-Timisoara, Lorena, 98, Romania
  • Adrian Marcu S.C. LUCKY VET SRL, 300222-Timisoara, Lorena, 98, Romania
  • Marioara Nicula Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Timişoara, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 300645-Timisoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Dorel Dronca Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Timişoara, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 300645-Timisoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Bartolomeu Kelciov S.C. LUCKY VET SRL, 300222-Timisoara, Lorena, 98, Romania


„Hybro PN+” hybrid, broiler chickens, average daily gain, feed conversion index, slaughter yield


In this paper was studied effect of different level of dietary energy and protein on the growth performance (average daily gain, feed conversion), slaughter yield and participation quota of the cut parts from the whole carcasses structure at „Hybro PN+” hybrid, slaughtered at 42 days old. The two groups (control group-Lc and experimental group-Lexp) have received compound feed with different levels of energy and protein. Chickens were weighed at: 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days. After slaughter, from each group were sampled 30 carcasses and were determined carcass characteristics using gravimetric measurements. At 42 days, the Lexp group has recorded higher values for the body weight (+7.83%) and average daily gain (+8.70%), compared with the Lc group. This performance has been achieved through an average individual feed intake of 4.162 kg, at Lc and 4.227 kg, at Lexp, meaning a value of 1.701 kg feed/kg gain, at Lexp group and 1.806 kg feed/kg gain, at Lc group. For slaughter yield at fresh carcasses resulted values from 77.22% (Lc) up to 78.21% (Lexp), at female chickens and from 78.55% (Lc) up to 79.12% (Lexp), at male chickens. After refrigeration, the values for this characteristic were decreased by 1.80 up to 1.89%. Participation quota of the cut parts from the whole carcasses structure has registered the highest values in Lexp group for breast and drumsticks, compared with Lc group. At the Lexp group, high levels of dietary protein and energy has significantly influenced: average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, slaughter yield and the participation quota of the cut parts from the whole carcasses structure (breast and drumsticks).


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Technologies Applied in Animal Husbandry