Influence of Cold Stress on the Chemical Composition of Carcass to Mangalica pigs
chemical composition of meat, MangalicaAbstract
The purpose of the experiment was to evaluate the chemical composition of meat of Mangalica and Large White pigs. The animals were raised in alternative system and exposed to 8-11°C. The initial weight at was 100 kg. Preparation of the carcass was made after the classical method. Linear measures were made on warm carcass. The chemical composition of meat was determined to Longissimus dorsi muscle. The protein content of meat was determinate by Tecator - Kyltec Auto Analyze and fat content by Soxtec System HT. Data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA method. Comparative with Large White breed, at Mangalica pigs, the fat thickness was significantly higher by 93% (p≤0.001) and the water content of meat was lower by 8.6%. The fat content of meat was higher with 117% and cholesterol content was reduced with 32%, the differences being significant.
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