Morphological Indices in Mangalitsa Breed
indices, height, Mangalitsa, perimeter, weightAbstract
Observations were made in several Mangalitsa farm from Hungary and Romania on Red, Blonde and Swallow-bellied varieties. Body measurements were performed on a total of 175 individuals of Mangalitsa and Mangalitsa x Duroc hybrids. There are differences in physical development among Mangalitsa varieties: blond variety has the best body development followed by red and swallow-bellied varieties. The average body weight for Mangalitsa pigs was 109.03±1.4 kg and the thoracic perimeter 115.18±0.95 cm. Results obtained indicate that body development of Mangalitsa pigs from Hungary area, are close to the breed standard. In average height at withers was 65.87±2.09 cm, while height at back was 72.59±1.2 cm. Low coefficient of variation for both measurements (CV%=1.83 for withers heigh and 1.52% for back height) indicate that pigs populations in which measurements were made are very homogeneous.
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