Productiv Index of Meat Rabbits of White New Zealand Breed Californian and their Crossbreeds
cossbred, meat rabbit, productive indexAbstract
The researches had been held at the rabbits farm of STE Maximovca on the rabbits of White New Zealand and Californian meat breeds, crossbreds of the first generation received after the breeding (♀White New Zealand x ♂ Californian and ♀Californian x ♂ White New Zealand). After the rabbits slaughtering from four analysed groups, there was established the received meat quantity after the carcass boning of crossbreds of ♀White New Zealand x ♂ Californian which was 80.1±0.2%, and the same analysed index at crossbreds of ♀Californian x ♂ White New Zealand was 77.0±0.1%. The total amount of ratio bone/meat in the carcass there was received at crossbreds of ♀White New Zealand x ♂ Californian which was 1:4.05, and at crossbreds of ♀Californian x ♂ White New Zealand this index was 1:3.38.
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