Influence of diseases and metabolic disorders on cow weight changes
cows, diseases, metabolic disorder, weightAbstract
Requirements on increasing economic efficiency of cattle breeding force farmers to use the latest up-to-date technology for monitoring and management of farming quality. Regular weighing and data processing can for instance discover mistakes that can indicate defects, e.g. nutrition deficiencies, incorrect embryonic development, health problems, demanding nursing intervention. The aim of the research was to monitor manifestations of diseases and metabolic disorders in the course of weight curve based on data from an automated system for weighing the live weight of dairy cows. There was used in the weighing unit for milking robots Astronaut A3 (Lely company) to obtain weight data of individual cows. There were selected dairy cows with the longest period of lactation or already drying off, and especially dairy cows with various health problems for study. Limiting values of weight changes were established after assembling a general equation of mass curve. In the sphere of the diseases there was manifested only ketosis in the weight curves with a loss of 10.2 kg / day (38% weight loss). The results of the study will be applied for compiling algorithm that will be implemented in the complete management system of cattle breeding, monitoring the dairy cows every day and highlight possible deviations exceeding of physiological changes in weight.
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