MOET Utility in Beef Production Strategies


  • Marcel Theodor Paraschivescu Study and Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry Biodiversity Bucureşti, 05072-Bucuresti, Sector 1, Calea 13 septembrie,13, România
  • Marcel Paraschivescu Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences Bucureşti, 011464–Bucuresti, Sector 1, Marasti, 61, România
  • Alexandru Șonea University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 050097-Bucuresti, Sector 5, Splaiul Independenţei, 105, România


beef cattle biodiversity, beef cattle farming, beef production strategies, intensive farming, MOET in cattle


The paper presents the reason of beef production for human food security and the necessity of special dairy and beef breeds in order to balance the milk and the meat production in cattle farming. That is a difficult target for many countries since they don’t dispose of large natural pastures to extensively feed the beef cattle herds. At the same time many European countries breed only dual purpose cattle breeds. So the idea of intensive farming with beef breeds or crosses is developed. To speed up this kind of programs Open MOET (Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer) Farm technology is proposed and it is completed with the needed facilities for production and preservation of embryos. Concerning the MOET Farm which confers directly pure bred beef calves, emphases is put on veterinary quarantine and heifer receptors conditioning. Concerning embryo conservation the direct transfer (DT) technique is recommended. Modalities of integrating dairy farms and beef cattle farms are finally discussed as recommended strategy for Romanian Agriculture.


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Technologies Applied in Animal Husbandry