Investigations Regarding the Incidence of Scabies at Young Cattle


  • Octavian Negrea University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 400372-Cluj-Napoca, Manastur, 3-, Romania
  • Vioara Mireșan University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 400372-Cluj-Napoca, Manastur, 3-, Romania
  • Camelia Răducu University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 400372-Cluj-Napoca, Manastur, 3-, Romania
  • Flore Chirilă University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 400372-Cluj-Napoca, Manastur, 3-5, Romania
  • Adriana Criste University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 400372-Cluj-Napoca, Manastur, 3-, Romania
  • Iulia Feștilă University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 400372-Cluj-Napoca, Manastur, 3-, Romania


depilation, incidence, purities, scabies


Clinical and laboratory investigations on the incidence and intensity of sarcoptic mange in a herd of 156 young cattle and histo-pathological picture of changes in the skin, highlights the following: anatomical-clinical examination performed revealed that 47.4% of young cattle have examined clinical anatomical changes visible (crusts, depilation, itching and scratching), with significant differences related to age and type of anatomy-clinical manifestation. The incidence of sarcoptic mange by microscopic examination, is ranging from 34.75 (category 0 - 6 months) 38.0% (category 6-12 months) with an average of 36.5%. The intensity of parasitism with Sarcoptes scabiei, var. bovis is correlated with the age. Thus the 0-6 months category predominate weak infestation (44.0%), while the 6-12 months category predominate large and medium infestation (40.6%). Histo-pathologically, the sections made ​​in the skin and colored shows the presence of parasites in exfoliate epithelium with a low limfo granulocytes infiltration.


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Technologies Applied in Animal Husbandry