Influence of Tiamulin Therapy on Weight Gain in Brachyspira Dysentery in Piglets
Brachyspira, dysentery, economic efficacy, pig, tiamulinAbstract
The aim of research was to evaluate the therapeutic and economic efficiency (daily individual weight gain / observation period) of two available tiamulin fumarate antibiotic conditionings (one oral and one injectable) in a farm environment, were Brachyspira evolution was suspicioned and confirmed. The experiment was conducted in a pig growing and fattening unit from Timis County, constituted as an intensive system. The sick piglets manifested acute clinical signs, mainly: drowsiness, enophtalmia, kyphosis and the sanguinolent diarrhoea in all cases. Clinical and morphopathologic suspicion was confirmed by the laboratory and bacterioscopic examination, which ascertained the presence of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae. Consequently, were chosen 48 ill piglets from the age group of 35 to 45 days and three experimental therapeutic (T) and one Control (C) groups were constituted as follows: group T1 - oral way treatment for five consecutive days with Tiamutin 45% soluble granules (Ceva), at doses of 6 and 8, (for group T2) and respectively Tiamutin 10% injectable (Dopharma) (T3), I.M., four consecutive days. Study duration was 21 days, revealing the economic superiority of the oral conditionings vs. injectable of tiamulin fumarate and also the therapeutic efficiency of this form as primal choice in the enteric disease outbreaks.
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