Ecotourism Destinations in Romania


  • Iuliana Ioana Merce USAMVBT, 300645, Aradului Street, 119 Romania
  • Ioana Anda Milin USAMVBT, 300645, Aradului Street, 119 Romania


natural capital, nature reserves, protected areas


Romania has about 800 protected areas, which now covers about 5% of the country. Most ecotourism destinations are located within or adjacent to these protected areas such as Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, northern communities National Park, Yosemite National Park, Apuseni Natural Park. In Romania there are still non-fragmented forests, and over a third of the population of bears, wolves and lynx in Europe, unique paradise of birds in the Danube Delta, more than 12 000 caves and, not least, full of authentic local traditions. Ecotourism allows recovery and conservation of the country's natural capital.


Manea G., Zone şi arii protejate şi valorificarea lor în turism, Universitatea Bucureşti, 2000

Drumm A., Moore A. - Ecotourism Development – A Manual for Conservation Planners and Managers, Volume 1, Virginia, USA, 2002

Minsterul Dezvoltări Regionale și Turismului - Criterii pentru desemnarea destinaţiilor ecoturistice în România, 2009

Rusu S., Isac F. - Turism rural şi ecoturism, Ediţia a II-a revizuită şi adăugită, Editura Universităţii „Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad, 2009 Asociaţia de Ecoturism din România


