Implications of Genotype by Environment Interactions in Dairy Sheep Welfare


  • Dinu Gavojdian Faculty of Agricultural, Food Sciences and Environmental Management, University of Debrecen 4032, Böszörményi str 138, Debrecen, Hungary
  • Szilvia Kusza Faculty of Agricultural, Food Sciences and Environmental Management, University of Debrecen 4032, Böszörményi str 138, Debrecen, Hungary
  • András Jávor Faculty of Agricultural, Food Sciences and Environmental Management, University of Debrecen 4032, Böszörményi str 138, Debrecen, Hungary


animal welfare, genotype by environment interactions, lactating sheep, lameness, mastitis


Small ruminants are the most extensively farmed livestock species in Europe, as a result being extremely exposed to natural hazards which leads to strong interactions between genotype and environment. Aim of the current review was to outline and discuss the main welfare issues and economic implications with regards to the genotype by environment interactions in dairy sheep. Researches concerning the additive genetic effect on milk yield, shown that this accounts only for 10%, while the milk production is 90% influenced by environmental factors, highlighting the major role that management and nutrition play in the dairy production of sheep. Nowadays, dairy sheep breeds (e.g. Eastern Friesian and Lacaune), are being introduced and reared in various countries under an extremely wide range of rearing conditions, without adequate knowledge on their acclimatization to the new specific conditions. It was concluded that a welfare assessment protocol for dairy sheep does not exist up today, moreover, there is a serious lack of data concerning the genetic and environmental factors affecting the welfare status of dairy sheep at farm level under different production systems.


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Technologies Applied in Animal Husbandry