Effect of Storage Time at Low Temperature on Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Eggs from Hens Kept in Backyard System in the City of Iasi in Romania


  • Francois Djitie Kouatcho Applied Zoology Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, University of Ngaoundere, Po Box 454 Ngaoundere Cameroon
  • Marius Georgi Usturoi University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi, Animal Science Faculty, Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu 8, Iasi, Romania
  • Razvan Mihail Radu-Rusu University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi, Animal Science Faculty, Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu 8, Iasi, Romania
  • Aida Albu University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi, Animal Science Faculty, Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu 8, Iasi, Romania
  • Eliza Simiz Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Bioengineering Faculty of Animal Resources, Aradului Street no. 119, 300645, Timisoara, Romania


hen egg, conservation time, chemical characteristics, courtyard


Egg production is an excellent solution to the acute shortage of animal protein. Despite its ability to be stored for several days at room temperature, eggs are an extremely perishable foodstuff whose optimal conservation standards must be mastered. The present study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the effect of storage time at low temperature on the physico-chemical characteristics of eggs from hens kept in backyard systems in the city of Iasi in Romania. For this purpose, 180 hen eggs were purchased on the local market. Once in the laboratory, the eggs were cleaned, marked and then stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of approximately 5ºC. The next day and every 7 days after, external characteristics (weight, measurements, shape indexes, volume and density) of all the eggs were evaluated and 60 eggs were then used for the analysis of internal characteristics (yolk and albumen indexes, Haugh unit, proportion of white, yolk, shell, edible parts) and chemical characteristics (pH, dry matter content, ash, proteins and lipids) of the eggs. The main results show that, except for density, which decreased with storage time, other external characteristics of eggs remained similar. The same was true for the major internal parameter characteristics. The pH of the yolk and albumen increased with the storage time, which also led to a variation in the contents of dry matter, ash, lipids and proteins of the egg components. It was concluded that although refrigeration allows the external characteristics of eggs from the backyard system to be kept relatively constant, storage time does, however, affect the chemical characteristics of the eggs. Refrigeration of eggs slows down but does not prevent the deterioration of the eggs and consequently they cannot be stored indefinitely.


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Technologies Applied in Animal Husbandry