Management Practices on Dairy Cattle Breeding Farms in Northwest of Algeria


  • Zakaria Meskini University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, Laboratory of Animal Production Sciences and Techniques, Avenue Hamadou Hossine Mostaganem, 27000, Algeria
  • Nadra Rechidi-sidhoum University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, Laboratory of Animal Production Sciences and Techniques, Avenue Hamadou Hossine Mostaganem, 27000, Algeria
  • Khalil Bounaama University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, Laboratory of Animal Production Sciences and Techniques, Avenue Hamadou Hossine Mostaganem, 27000, Algeria
  • A. El-Amine Dahou University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, Laboratory of Animal Production Sciences and Techniques, Avenue Hamadou Hossine Mostaganem, 27000, Algeria
  • Abdelkader Homrani University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, Laboratory of Animal Production Sciences and Techniques, Avenue Hamadou Hossine Mostaganem, 27000, Algeria


dairy farm, herd, husbandry, reproduction, survey, system


A survey on the general dairy cattle management, reproductive and assess management practices, was carried out
from February to August of 2019 on 73 farms with 2,454 cattle, which included 1,432 dairy cows in the Northwest of
Algeria. Data were collected through interviews with farmers, followed by a visit of the production environment of
dairy cows. Average herd size was 19.6± 30.1 lactating cows with the average land size of 7.8± 13.1 ha/farm, and
average milk yield/cow was 17.4± 3.9 litre/day. These farms had an annual culling rate of 11.3± 0.15%; lameness,
age, and infertility were the predominant reasons for culling cows in herds. The majority (82%) of dairy farms used a
feed ration consisting of oat and straw. All farms feeding an average amount of 11.3± 2kg concentrated feed/cow per
day. Seventy-nine percent (79%) of dairy farms used strictly natural service and 21% used artificial insemination
(AI) only, and 8% used a combination of AI and natural service. Cows were observed for oestrus by direct
observation of heat in 89 % of herds. An average voluntary waiting period of 67.6± 21.5 days was applied. Mastitis
was the first dominant pathology in surveyed farms at the rate of 75% followed by lameness 68%. Deworming
treatment was practiced on 86% of all farms; the totality of farmers vaccinated their herd only against foot and mouth
disease and rabies. Results of this study can provide a useful reference of commonly used management practices on
northwest Algerian dairy herds.


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