The Effect of Various Disinfectants on Hatching Results in Chickens
chicken, disinfectant, disinfection, hatching, hatching eggAbstract
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of various disinfectants on hatchability, egg weight loss and
embryonic mortality of chickens. Eggs were incubated in medium hatchery Bios midi at standard hatching
conditions. All eggs were incubated for 21 days. Five treatments, with 300 hatching eggs each, were evaluated: eggs
not submitted to disinfection (negative control), formalin gas fumigation by mixing 40 ml formaldehyde of 40 %
concentration and 20 g potassium permanganate on 1m3
room capacity (positive control), ozone concentration of
0.45 ppm for 12 hours, Aldekol DES 03 air aerosol dosing by 0.5 l of Aldekol DES 03 to 3 l of water and Virkon S
in 1% solution. Hatchability of fertile eggs and embryonic mortality were significant not affected (P>0.05) by
disinfectants, but there were significant lower (P<0.05) values in eggs without disinfection. None of the treatments
affected (P>0.05) egg weight loss throughout the first 18-days of incubation. The results obtained for hatching traits
indicated that alternative disinfectants may be used as an alternative to formaldehyde fumigation for the disinfection
of hatching eggs.
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