Use of Essential Oils in Bees


  • Roxana Nicoleta Lazăr Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine „King Michael I of Romania” from Timișoara, Calea Aradului nr.119
  • Silvia Pătruică Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine „King Michael I of Romania” from Timișoara, Calea Aradului nr.119


bees, essential oils, supplementary feeding


Over time, studies have shown that the natural methods used in the control and spread of bee diseases are effective, which develops a continuous interest in discovering new alternatives in this regard. Essential oils have been tested in bee colonies for the purpose of preventing or combating pathogens. The inhibitory effect of the essential oils is given by the content in citral and geraniol, as well as the benzene content in the composition of the essential oil of cinnamon. Recent findings show that the use of essential oils can improve the health of bee families. Essential oils include a series of antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic compounds from plants that play a role in reducing bacterial resistance. Natural antibiotics based on essential oils can be alternatives to chemically synthesized antibiotics, as they do not contaminate the bee products.


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