Identification and Characterization of Bacillus megaterium as Probiotic Bacteria in Poultry Feed


  • Mihaela Dumitru National Research & Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition (IBNA), Laboratory of Animal Nutrition & Biotechnology, Calea Bucuresti no.1, 077015, Balotesti, Ilfov, Romania.
  • Nicoleta Lefter National Research & Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition (IBNA), Laboratory of Animal Nutrition & Biotechnology, Calea Bucuresti no.1, 077015, Balotesti, Ilfov, Romania.
  • Lavinia Idriceanu National Research & Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition (IBNA), Laboratory of Animal Nutrition & Biotechnology, Calea Bucuresti no.1, 077015, Balotesti, Ilfov, Romania.
  • Georgeta Ciurescu National Research & Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition (IBNA), Laboratory of Animal Nutrition & Biotechnology, Calea Bucuresti no.1, 077015, Balotesti, Ilfov, Romania.
  • Mihaela Habeanu National Research & Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition (IBNA), Laboratory of Animal Nutrition & Biotechnology, Calea Bucuresti no.1, 077015, Balotesti, Ilfov, Romania.


gastrointestinal resistance, in vitro properties, probiotic


The present study was planned to identify the Bacillus probiotic characteristics from a strain knows as Bacillus spp. in
with the aim of use as a probiotic candidate in broiler chickens feed. The strain was identified phenotypically and
evaluated for their viability through total plate count method, colony morphology, catalase test, hemolysis activity, pH
(2 and 3) and bile salts (0.3% w/v) tolerance under simulated gastrointestinal tract (GIT) conditions, rate of
survivability (%), spores resistance at high temperature and antibiotics susceptibility tests. Registered under the code
IBNA 66, the strain was identified by API 50CHB (ID 99.9%) and ABIS online (91.8% similarity) as Bacillus
megaterium. The strain presented a viable count of 3 x 1011 CFU/mL after 22±2h of incubation at 37°C, 120 rpm with
positive catalase, and non-hemolytic activity results. Also, Bacillus megaterium showed a significant resistance and
survivability at pH 2 (P <0.0001, 62.09%) and pH 3 (P <0.0001, 77.53%), bile salts (P <0.0001, 84.27%), with a high
ability to produce spores (after 120 min. at 80°C show 9.47 Log CFU/mL, P <0.0001). The antibiotic susceptibility
test showed 100.00% resistance of strain to oxacillin (1 μg/mL), with multiple antibiotic resistance indices above 0.5.
In conclusion, Bacillus megaterium can be an ideal probiotic candidate that can potentially be formulated and applied
in the poultry feed for improving performance and modulated GIT microflora.


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