Reproductive Characteristics of Local Sheep Breeds in the Saharan Region of Béchar in Algeria


  • Fouad Gani Faculty of Natural and Life sciences, University Ibn Khaldoun, BP 78, Tiaret 14000, Algeria.
  • Abdellatif Niar Faculty of Natural and Life sciences, University Ibn Khaldoun, BP 78, Tiaret 14000, Algeria.


free mating, local sheep breeds, non-seasonal, reproductive characteristics, Saharian region


The objective of this study was to investigate the reproductive characteristics of local sheep breeds farming in a
Saharian region of Algeria. The method used was a questionnaire to assess general information about sheep breeding
for 65 local breeders, 12 of whom were following monthly over one year in order to determine some reproductive
parameters including fertility, prolificacy, and lambs mortality. Our results revealed that the reproductive management
was characterized by free mating, early age at first lambing, and non-seasonal distribution of lambing. For the
reproductive parameters of the flocks monitored, the fertility, prolificacy, and lambs mortality were respectively:
91.69%, 110.51%, and 14.35%. These results allowed us to conclude that the local sheep breeds raised in the Saharian
region of Béchar has a high reproductive potential, but the reproductive management of flocks is still relatively
traditional and not well developed.
the abstract itself.


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