The Effect of Protected Fats and Conjugated Linoleic Acid from Lactating Ewes Ration on Some Bioproductives Indices of Them and in Suckling Lambs


  • Alexandru Grigorescu Banat University of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Faculty of Bioengineering of Animal Resources, Caldea Aradului, 119, 300645-Timișoara, Romania
  • Marius Tătaru Banat University of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Faculty of Bioengineering of Animal Resources, Caldea Aradului, 119, 300645-Timișoara, Romania
  • Eliza Simiz Banat University of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Faculty of Bioengineering of Animal Resources, Caldea Aradului, 119, 300645-Timișoara, Romania
  • Sorin Voia Banat University of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Faculty of Bioengineering of Animal Resources, Caldea Aradului, 119, 300645-Timișoara, Romania
  • Lavinia Ștef Banat University of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Faculty of Bioengineering of Animal Resources, Caldea Aradului, 119, 300645-Timișoara, Romania


body weight, crude milk fat, CLA, ewes,, ewes, protected fat, suckling lambs


In order to satisfy the energy requirements of cows with high milk productions, feeding practices now include the
addition of fats in the ration. This can also be used for sheep.
The aim of this study was to quantify the effect that the Optima 100 nutritional supplements (protected fats) and
CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) administered in the ration of lactating ewes during lactation had on certain
bioproductives parameters in lambs suckling period. For this aim, the experiment was carried out on 60 sheep of
Romanian Ţurcana breed during the lamb lactation period. The 60 sheep were randomly divided into 4 groups, which
were given a basic ration in order to meet their daily needs according to their physiological condition. The sheep
were grouped as follows: the control group (T1) received only the basic ration (BR); In experimental group 2 (T2),
the basic ration was supplemented by 12 g/head/day of the Optima 100 product, representing protected fats; In
experimental group 3 (T3), BR was supplemented by CLA in an amount of 12 g/head/day; The two nutritional
supplements were added to BR, each in an amount of 12 g/head/day, in experimental group 3 (T4). The use of
protectedfats as well as the mixture of protected fats and CLA in the feed of the ewes, determines an improvement of
the bioproductive indices of the infantlambs. The reis also an increase in the amount of milk obtained from sheep fed
with food in which these supplements were incorporated and an increase in the fat content of milk.


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