Helminth Parasites in Horses from Five Locations of Arad County
Arad County, helminths, horsesAbstract
The paper describes the prevalence of helminth species in horses from five localities of Arad County, western Romania: Vinga, Pecica, Arad, Șiria and Lipova. A total of 56 horses (5 foals, 10 yearlings and 41 adults) were sampled in order to establish the parasite spectrum. Faecal samples were processed by McMaster technique. All horses (100%) were parasitized, and five types of helminthes were identified. Digestive strongyles were found in 73.21% of horses, roundworms (Parascaris equorum) in 28.57%, threadworms (Strongyloides westeri) in 8.92%, pinworms (Oxyuris equi) in 12.50%, and tapeworms (Anoplocephala spp.) in 19.64%, respectively. At least two helminth species were found in each individual.
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