Apparent Digestibility Coefficients and Serum Biochemical Parameters in Growing-Fattening Pigs Fed with Different Dietary Sources and Levels of Crude Fiber with Additional Pro/Prebiotics
alfalfa, digestibility, fiber, sunflower, serum plasmaAbstract
The study investigated the effect of different fiber levels and sources on the blood profile and digestibility
coefficients parameters. Compared to C diet that contained 3.5% crude fiber (CF), the feed formulation has
takeninto consideration a level of 6.5% CF on E1 group and 7.5% CF on E2 group provided by adding alfalfa meal
and sunflower meal. The experiment was conducted on 9 pigs randomly assigned to 3 experimental groups for 8
weeks trial period with an initial average weight of 25 kg. During the balance period, average samples of faeces/pig
were collected to determine the apparent digestibility coefficients; blood samples were collected by jugular
venipuncture in heparin tubes and centrifuged (3000 rpm for 15 min) for plasma separation. The highest values
were registered for serum creatinine (SCR) parameter for group E1 group compared to C and E2 groups, and also,
high levels of lactat dehydrogenase (LDH) were observed on E1 group was significantly different (P<0.05)
compared to C and E2 groups.Biochemical serum parameters LDH and SCR are important indicators to evaluate
animal health and although we observed higher values for E1, there were within species limits. The different levels
and sources of fiber content of feeding formula did not affect the apparent digestibility coefficients, nor the blood
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