Investigation Of Heavy Metals Content in Raw Milk Samples from Dairy Cows – A Systematic Review


  • Adina-Mirela Ariton Research and Development Station for Cattle Breeding, 707252, Iasi -Ungheni No. 9, Romania
  • Andra-Sabina Neculai-Văleanu Research and Development Station for Cattle Breeding, 707252, Iasi -Ungheni No. 9, Romania
  • Ioana-Cristina Crivei Research and Development Station for Cattle Breeding, 707252, Iasi -Ungheni No. 9, Romania
  • Alina-Narcisa Postolache Research and Development Station for Cattle Breeding, 707252, Iasi -Ungheni No. 9, Romania
  • Cătălina Sănduleanu Research and Development Station for Cattle Breeding, 707252, Iasi -Ungheni No. 9, Romania
  • Ioana Poroșnicu Research and Development Station for Cattle Breeding, 707252, Iasi -Ungheni No. 9, Romania
  • Elena Ungureanu Faculty of Horticulture, Iasi University of Life Sciences, 700490, Iasi, Mihail Sadoveanu Alley No. 3, Romania


decontamination, heavy metals, milk, prevention, rapid methods


Heavy metals toxicity, as well as the cumulative effects on the human body, require regular monitoring of their concentration in cow's milk. In dairy cows, heavy metals can cause loss of appetite, reproductive imbalances, and long-term consequences on milk production, among other concerns. Cow feed quality is directly related to environmental quality and agricultural aspects such as plant type, soil quality, fertilization processes, harvesting, processing, and storage. This literature review highlights various sources of heavy metals in raw milk, methods of decontamination and prevention, as well as classical and innovative techniques for determining the presence of heavy metals in milk. Due to the high concentrations of heavy metals in milk samples, particularly lead and cadmium, health and environmental protection organizations should conduct rigorous assessment. The relevant regulatory agencies should establish and implement more precisely the permitted levels of cadmium, nickel, cobalt, and copper in milk, and each unit that processes milk should be required to adhere to practices and a food safety management program.


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Technologies Applied in Animal Husbandry