Biomass Increase in Plankton Populations Induced by Organic Fertilizers Applied during the Reproduction of Common Carp


  • Levente Vass University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca 400372-Cluj-Napoca, Mănăştur, 3-5, Romania
  • Ioan Bud University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca 400372-Cluj-Napoca, Mănăştur, 3-5, Romania


artificial fertilization, nutrients, nutrients, phytoplankton, primary productivity, zooplankton


Artificial fertilization of nursery ponds used for nursing postlarvae to fry is a common procedure used in hatcheries to enchance productivity. A 2 ha nursery pond at the Martinesti hatchery was fertilized with 500 kg fermented manure to stimulate phytoplankton, and consequently zooplankton production. A sharp rise in nutrient levels was imminent. Nitrate and phosphate levels has rised tenfold from 0.5 to 2 and 5 mg l-1, respectively from 0.05 to 0.5 mg l-1. Altough nutrient levels kept rising, phytoplankton biomass remained steady, then fell from 0.6 to 0.1 g m-3, while zooplankton biomass has increased from 5 to 14 and 64 g m-3 during the first 4 weeks of postlarval developement.


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