Influence of Phytogenic Additives on Growth Parameters and Meat Biochemistry in Cyprinus carpio
biochemistry, Cyprinus carpio, growth parameters, phytogenic additivesAbstract
Over time, antibiotics have been used in aquaculture to control fish diseases. Improper and sometimes unjustified use of them has raised concerns about their effectiveness and the possibility of resistant bacterial strains development. One of the attempts to maintain a good health status of fish was to introduce botanical or phytogenic additives into the feeding diets. Phytogenic compounds are natural bioactive compounds, with beneficial effects on technological performance by stimulating growth, feed consumption and food recovery. The aim of this experiment was to determine how the growth parameters and composition of carp (Cyprinus carpio) meat are influenced by the introduction of phytogenic compounds in the diet, such as licorice, echinacea and thyme. The inclusion of phytogenic additives in feeding diets has ensured a higher growth performance in the experimental groups, compared to the diet without the addition of phytogenic additives and a feed conversion ratio (FCR) with better values in the experimental groups (1.87 in the group fed with licorice addition, 2.03 in the group with added echinacea, respectively 2.31 for the group with added thyme), compared to the control group, where a value of 2.40 was obtained. Phytogenic additives supplemented in feeding diets cause an accumulation of protein and lipids in carp meat, which increase the fish nutritional value.
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