Studies and Observations on the Spawning of Oreochromis Niloticus Species Reared at SCDP Nucet - Dambovita
animal products, earthen ponds, Ewos tanks, flow-through, Oreochromis niloticus, spawningAbstract
At the Fish Culture Research and Development Station Nucet, in 2011 were achieved studies and observations on the reproduction, sexual organs and seminal products of Oreochromis niloticus tropical species. A batch of 140 breeders of 1 year old Nile tilapia (T1) was stoked both in a pond as in Ewos tanks in two variants of density (VI) – 8 fish/tank, (VII) – 12 fish/tank. In a third variant were used 2 years old Nile tilapia breeders (T2), (VIII) – 4 fish/tank. The male/female ratio in all variants from tanks was 1:3. Independently, into another tank were stoked 20 males. Into the pond, spawning was achieved naturally, and on the tank variants, the eggs were gathered from the mouth of females and incubated in different incubation systems. On both rearing systems, under the climatic conditions from Nucet (south of Romania) were achieved 3 generations of Nile tilapia fry. On the female breeders, were determined: the gonad-somatic ratio, theoretical and adjective prolificacy (no. of eggs/g of ovary), and for males were achieved spermatozoa motility tests and determination of spermatozoa number per unit of volume.
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