Use of Biological Additives with Grass Containing Medium and High Levels of WSC for Effective Conservation and Aerobic Stability
aerobic stability, grass silage, Lactobacillus buchneri, Propionibacterium acidipropionici WSCAbstract
The objective of the trials was to determine the effect of two silage inoculant strains Lactobacillus buchneri and Propionibacteria acidipropionici on grass containing medium and high levels of WSC for fermentation characteristics and aerobic stability of silages. The basic raw materials originated from second growth cut grasses from 2 different plots of the farm: 1st.grass components were a mixture of grass- and leguminous species, contained medium 1.5-3.0% WSC/FM. The 2nd grass components was mainly grass species; with high>3% WSC/FM content.
We stored the filled micro (4.2 litre) containers on ambient temperature. It was proven that both inoculant strains significantly decreased lactic acid content (P<0.01) and increased acetic acid content (P<0.001) of silages and significantly increased the aerobic stability as well. The best aerobic stability>240 hours was the Lactobacillus buchneri treated silages originated from medium WSC/FM grass. The main advantage of treatment of L. buchneri on grass compared to P. acidipropionici is the longer aerobic stability of silage (P<0.001).
There was no significant differences among the microbiological profile neither of treated nor of control silages.
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