The Effect of Biopolym FZT on the Degradation of Feed in the Rumen
ADF, Ascophyllum nodosum, Biopolym rumen, in sacco, NDFAbstract
Cows with the canulla were divided into two groups - experimental and control. The cows from the experimental group were added to biostimulating substance Biopolym FZT. The samples of rumen fluid were analyzed to amount of Protozoa. The growth of microorganisms in the rumen fluid of experimental animals means the possibility of a positive impact of Biopolym on the degradation of feeding in the rumen. A total of 26 samples of feed (samples of meadow hay) were used for estimation of in sacco digestibility. All samples were incubated for 48h. The results of the organic matter digestibility (OMD) were compared. The samples were analyzed for NDF, ADF. The results indicated no significant difference between experimental and control group.
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