Testing the Chelating Properties of Coriander Lyophilisate (Coriandrum sativum) in Experimental Lead Poisoning in Carassius gibelio Bloch
Coriandrum sativum, experimental lead intoxication, freshwater fish, histological alterationsAbstract
Our study aimed to highlight the histological alterations of some tissue of Prussian carp’s specimens, subjected to sub lethal Pb intoxication with and without coriander dietary supplementation. 90 Prussian carps, with weighing between 10 and 12 g were divided according to the following treatments for 21 days: C (without treatment), E1 (75 ppm Pb into water), E2 (75 ppm Pb into water+2% lyophilized coriander leaves in feed). Gill, intestine, liver and kidney were sampling and analyzed in light microscopy at the end of experiment. QuickPHOTO Micro 2.2 software has been used for the histological study. Our findings were: severe histological alterations in experimental Pb-poisoned group; coriander lyophilisate has been shown to be an excellent chelator on liver tissue and is largely able to attenuate the toxic effects of lead in the kidneys, intestine and gill.
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