The Influence of the Preparation Primix Bionorm K on the Digestibility of the Nutrients in the Fodders for Young Pigs
digestibility, gilt, mixed fodder, nutrients, pro-prebioticAbstract
The study was carried out in order to determine nutrient digestibility in breed gilts under the influence of the supplementation of the mixed fodder with the preparation pro-prebiotic Primix Bionorm K at the level of 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 kg/t. During February 2011, in a digestibility trial which lasted 13 days 12 similar piglets were used, which were randomly divided into four experimental groups (CG, EG1, EG2, EG3) three heads each. It was established that the supplementation of the mixed fodder for young gilts with the preparation pro-prebiotic Primix Bionorm K had a positive influence on the digestibility of the dry and organic substances by 0.86% and 1.18%, crude protein, fat and cellulose showed a digestibility of 0.57, 1.05 and 12.37% respectively higher in EG3 compared to CG. However, the addition of pro-prebiotic preparation during the growth period of the breed gilts at the level of 0.45 kg/t (EG3) allowed obtaining an absolute increase in body weight during the digestibility trial by 8% higher than in the CG and EG1.
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