The Effect of Probiotic Preparation Enriched with Selenium on Performance Parameters of Laying Hens
laying hens, organic selenium, performance, probiotic preparationAbstract
The effects of the diet for laying hens supplemented with probiotic product with an organic form of selenium on body weight, egg production, feeed consumption and feed conversion were studied in this experiment. Isa Brown hens (n=90) were randomly divided at the age of 17 weeks into three groups (30 birds per group). Hens in all groups consumed the complete feed mixture ad libitum. In the control group water for drinking contained no additions. In the first experimental group probiotic product was added to the water, in the second experimental group the same probiotic prreparation enriched with O.8 to 1 mg of organic selenium per 1 g of the product was added to the water. The probiotic preparations were administered at the dose of 15 mg per 6 l of water daily, in both experimental groups. Experiment lasted 48 weeks. Hen´s body weight (g±SD) at the end of breeding period was within the groups as follows (in order Control–1st and 2nd experimental group): 1882.25±223.68, 1878.73±209.87 and 1860.15±190.90, P>0.05. Between the groups were recorded relatively balanced values in the consumption of food per feeding day, even in the experimental groups werelower feed consumption per eggs, as well as feed conversion recorded, no statistically significant difference (P>0.05) was achieved. Feed conversion was in the order of groups of 2.51, 2.33 and 2.24 kg. During the whole period, the number of eggs per hen was as follows: 274.36; 292.04 and 299.0 pieces. Average number of eggs per hen per month in the order of groups was 22.86±6.76; 24.33±5.93 and 24.91±6.21 pc (mean±SD). Higher egg production, but no statistically significant (P>0.05) was achieved in both experimental groups. The average laying intensity achieved values of 80.42, 81.15 and 83.30%, values of egg mass production per hen were 16.37, 18.14 and 17.61 kg.
The results showed that addition of probiotic preparation and probiotic preparation enriched with organic selenium increased egg production and reduced consumption of feed per eggs, but statistically insignificantly. The other performance indicators showed no major influence of the addition compared with the results of the control group.
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