The Estimation of Conversion Capacity of Permanent Grassland Production in Caraş- Severin County in Animal Production
conversion, meat, milk, permanent grasslandAbstract
The permanent productions in Caraş- Severin county take the second place in terms of surface on national level and represent over 70% of the county surface. The natural potential is little exploited as compared to the economic value of the products that can be obtained. The estimation of conversion capacity of permanent grassland production in animal production has been made according to some studies based on the research in the field of grasslands, on areas similar to the ones in this county. At a medium level of production, its conversion in the meat production would lead to achieving an average increase of kg/ha, at the unfertilized grassland and of 125 kg/ha, at the fertilized grassland. The efficiency in milk production would amount to 1154 l/ha, at unfertilized grasslands and to 2500 l/ha at the fertilized ones.
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