Impact of Seed Size and of Ultrasounds on Seed Germination in Lotus corniculatus L.


  • Ilie Toth University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş" Timişoara, 300041-Timişoara, Piata Eftimie Murgu, 2, Romania
  • Neculai Dragomir Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Timişoara, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 300645-Timisoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Adrian Neagu Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Timişoara, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 300645-Timisoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania


bird’s-foot trefoil seeds, germination, Lotus corniculatus L., ultrasounds


In this paper the authors point out the impact of ultrasounds on seed germination in bird’s-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.). The bird’s-foot trefoil seeds, grouped into 4 size groups, were exposed to ultrasounds with variable intensities and exposure times ranging between 0.11 and 2.72 W/cm2 and between 10 and 160 seconds. Research shows that both germinating energy and germinating ability measured at 10 and 21 days, respectively, were positively impacted by ultrasounds. The highest values were when we treated with ultrasounds medium- and large-size bird’s-foot trefoil seeds.


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