The forage biomass productions in the continuous cultivation system of the agricultural land. II. Forage structures based on the silage corn culture
continuous cultivation, forage system, silage corn, cumulated productionsAbstract
The forage system proposed by the continuous land cultivation has taken under research 5 structures of forage plants, grown one after the other over a period of 2 agricultural years (2009/2010, 2010/2011). In every type of structure the silage corn culture was introduced. Each structure has been studied both under conditions of non fertilization with nitrogen (N0) and with fertilization (N+). As compared to the cultivation structure of the silage corn in monoculture, for 2 years, in other structures, in which were introduced legumes sowed in association, the cumulated quantities of forage biomass have been 30-50% bigger, and the soil has been covered with vegetation in a proportion of over 80% during the entire period of the forage system.
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