The Impact of Sowing Type on some Productivity Elements in Festuca rubra L. Seed Production (II): Amount of Seeds per Plant
amount of seeds per plant, Festuca rubra L., seeding rate, sowing distanceAbstract
The amount of seeds per plant is one of the three features (besides density and seeds weight) conditioning seed production in agricultural crops. In its turn, density is influenced by the sowing distance between the rows and by the seeding rate. Using a lower seeding rate (5 kg/ha) has a stronger impact on the amount of seeds per plant in bird’s-foot trefoil compared to a larger rate (20 kg/ha). The analysis of the impact of trial factors on the amount of seeds per plant in Festuca rubra L. shows that the variants sowed at sowing distances of 12.5 cm or 25 cm at a rate of 5 kg/ha ensure the highest increase of the amount of seeds per plant.
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