Following the Expression of HSP 70 Gene by Semiquantification
liver, HSP 70, lucerne meal, semiquantificationAbstract
We conducted feeding experiment with broiler chickens Coob 500. We used lucerne meal in the feeding mixtures. It contains carotenoids including lycopen. Lycopene may have important antioxidant implications. Lycopene levels in serum or tissues do not correlate well with the overall intake. It is a potent antioxidant in vitro and in human studies. We followed the effect of lucerne meal on expression of protein HSP 70 in our experiment. HSP 70 belongs to large group of high shock proteins which mediate organism´s response not only to temperature rise, but also to other unfavorable factors, e.g. exposure to heavy metals, hormones, oxidants, etc. We isolated mRNA from heart, spleen, liver, abdominal fat and we transferred transcription and PCR. Expression of HSP 70 was visualized on agarose gel. We detected that the lowest expression was in the heart, the greatest expression was detected in the liver.
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