Study upon the Moment of Ovulation in Sows to Establish the Optimum Moment for Semen Inoculation


  • Mariana Sandu Romanian Academy, Center studies and agro biodiversity "Acad. David Davidescu", 050711- Bucharest, Calea 13 Septembrie st., 5th district, 13, Romania
  • Ștefan Mantea Romanian Group for Investments and Consultancy, Bucharest, str Comana nr.19B. sect.1., Romania
  • Iudith Ipate Romanian Academy, Center studies and agro biodiversity "Acad. David Davidescu", 050711- Bucharest, Calea 13 Septembrie st., 5th district, 13, Romania
  • Mihaela Kruzslicika Romanian Academy, Institute of Agricultural Economics, 050711- Bucharest, Calea 13 Septembrie st., 5th district, 13, Romania
  • Vergina Chiriţescu Romanian Academy, Institute of Agricultural Economics, 050711- Bucharest, Calea 13 Septembrie st., 5th district, 13, Romania


artificial insemination, oestrus, oocytes, time of ovulation


Efficiency of artificial insemination depends equaly by semen quality and time of inoculation. The optimal time for inoculation was calculated usually from the moment of detection of heat, for double insemination, so that one of the two inoculations to approach the time of ovulation. To increase the efficiency of boars exploitation is necesary to change the method to a single insemination.

To ensure normal fertility parameters with only one inoculation it is necessary to chose with great precision the moment of insemination ,in order to ensure the time for sperm capacitation and penetration of viable oocytes.
Starting from the fact that major events such as forrowing and death occur, according to the circadian rhythm, in the second half of the night, this study aims to detect from this point of view the moment of ovulation, to find a more reliable calculation for the time of semen inoculation.

The experiments were conducted on puberal gilts, which were not treated for induction of ovulation; the control for detecting the follicular dehiscence was done only on physiological oestrus. Females having symptoms at heat control were subject to series of laparatomias, complete with collection and examination of oocytes.


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