Genetic Trend for Certain Traits in Pigs Using Different Selection Criteria
age, genetic trends, litter size, meat content, pigsAbstract
The trial during 8 generations or 11 years of period has been done at 4 different breeds: Landrace and Yorkshire as dam line and Duroc and Pietrain as sire one. Included were 68 sires, 1.994 dams, 6.794 progeny and slaughtered 868 heads in total. There have no been selection differences for gain and age at slaughtered Y, L and D. Pietrain showed significantly less gain. It means more cost and less profit in case of P. The feeding line of gilts and sows were changed to previous one. It has significant influence to number of piglets at birth. It mean we have to, optimize, feeding regime and milk yield of sows. Phenotypic and genetic improvement was in average 0.25 piglets per generation. Genetic variation was similar from beginning to last generation of selection. Selection on meat content had positive trend. Selection efficiency were higher at D compare with P. Pietrain itself still have 3.4% more meat in carcass but much longer period of fattening. Intramuscular fat was much lover at P. This has negative effect on meat quality. Litter size showed positive effect. There are no significant differences between L and Y.
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