Microbiological Quality Assessment in Raw Milk Evaluation using Soleris System as a Rapid Alternative Method
mastitis, raw milk, Soleris System, total viable countAbstract
Defined as the mammary glands/udder inflammation, mastitis caused by various infectious etiological agents, is still considered a debilitating condition in dairy cows, influencing both animal welfare and the dairy industry through decreased production performance and increased culling rates. The consumption of raw milk or other milk products is related to the microbiological quality of raw milk. The main disadvantages in applying laboratory microbiological culture are related to logistical limitations and the expense of shipping samples, as well as the time required for analysis to receive interpretations, which can range from three to five days. The aim of this study is to validate the Soleris System as a rapid alternative method to the plate-count method in order to assess the microbiological quality of raw milk. Thus, this study establishes the reliability of this alternative method for determining the total viable count in raw milk in samples from cows. In conclusion, raw milk evaluation using the Soleris System demonstrates its promise as a valid tool for accurate testing in the dairy industry.
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