The Influence of Oxitocyn Added to Diluted Boar Semen on the Main Reproduction Parameters Calculated for Large White Sows that were Artificially Inseminated
sows, reproduction parameters, semen, oxytocinAbstract
Oxitocyn has been used to improve reproductive performance in swine, especially farrowing rate and litter size. The objective of this study was to investigated whether the main reproduction parameters calculated for sows improves when Oxytocin (Oxitocyn®; 10 U.I./ml) was added to diluted semen. The scope of this experiment was to test the efficiency of adding oxitocyn in the diluted semen tubes over the main reproduction parameters Oxitocyn has been used to improve reproductive performance in swine, especially farrowing rate and litter size. The objective of this study was to investigated whether the main reproduction parameters calculated for sows improves when Oxytocin (Oxitocyn®; 10 U.I./ml) was added to diluted semen. The scope of this experiment was to test the efficiency of adding oxitocyn in the diluted semen tubes over the main reproduction parameters (fecundity rate, gestation rate, farrowing rate and litter size) for Large White sows.
Sows from one large production unit were artificially inseminated; semen was either enriched with oxitocyn (group 1, n=315), either untreated (group 2, n=351). Fecundity rate, gestation rate, farrowing rate and litter size were recorded. After adding 0.4 ml oxitocyn to diluted semen right before artificial insemination of Large White sows, fecundity rate was 80.95%, while the group inseminated with untreated semen had a fecundity rate of 74.93%, the difference being statically uninsured. Regarding the gestation rate, for the experimental group was 78.10%, while for the control group was 70.09%, this difference being significant (p<0.05). The farrowing rate calculated for the experimental group was 76.19%, while for the control group was 68.95 %, this difference being also significant (p<0.05). Litter size was 13.36 piglets/sow for the experimental group, with 1.18 piglets/sow higher than for the control group (12.18 piglets/sow), this difference being very significant (p<0.001).
nseminated; semen was either enriched with oxitocyn (group 1, n=315), either untreated (group 2, n=351). Fecundity rate, gestation rate, farrowing rate and litter size were recorded. After adding 0.4 ml oxitocyn to diluted semen right before artificial insemination of Large White sows, fecundity rate was 80.95%, while the group inseminated with untreated semen had a fecundity rate of 74.93%, the difference being statically uninsured. Regarding the gestation rate, for the experimental group was 78.10%, while for the control group was 70.09%, this difference being significant (p<0.05). The farrowing rate calculated for the experimental group was 76.19%, while for the control group was 68.95 %, this difference being also significant (p<0.05). Litter size was 13.36 piglets/sow for the experimental group, with 1.18 piglets/sow higher than for the control group (12.18 piglets/sow), this difference being very significant (p<0.001).
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