Research Considering Embryonic Development of Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) under Artificial- Controlled Spawning Conditions


  • Daniel Oprea Fish Culture Research and Development Station Nucet, Dambovita, 137335-Nucet, Principala, 549, Romania
  • Nino Marica Fish Culture Research and Development Station Nucet, Dambovita, 137335-Nucet, Principala, 549, Romania
  • Mioara Costache Fish Culture Research and Development Station Nucet, Dambovita, 137335-Nucet, Principala, 549, Romania


controlled spawning, embryonic development, pikeperch, water temperature


The experiments made in order to study the embryonic development of pikeperch were take place at the Fish Culture Research and Development Station Nucet, within 02.04–17.04.2012. For artificial-controlled spawning of pikeperch were used 4 years old breeders reared in ponds, at Nucet Station in policulture with older cyprinids. The experiment was accomplished in two experimental variants, wherein the fertilized eggs have been hatched at two different intervals of temperatures. The technological parameters of incubation were as follow, variant V1: fertilized rate 92%, embryo rate 76% and hatching rate 65%; variant V2: fertilized rate 93%, embryo rate 82% and hatching rate 71%. The Nucet type incubators seem to offer good conditions for embryonic development of pikeperch.


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