The Effect of Water Temperature and Water Hardness on Reproductive Indicators Hemichromis lifalili
Hemichromis lifalili, reproduction, water hardness, water temperatureAbstract
In this work we investigated the effect of temperature and water hardness on reproductive indicators Hemichromis lifalili in aquarium conditions. From bred individuals we have compiled three breeding pairs, which we placed in aquariums with different temperature and water hardness. In experimental pairs, we evaluated these reproductive variables: number of spawning eggs, the number of hatched, dead and bred individuals. Experiments showed that 28°C, and 8°N carbonate water hardness increased the reproductive activity of fish and the quantity of fish hatched. Decreasing temperature in the tanks was proportionally increased the number of unhatched individuals, and the mortality. The mortality was 88 pieces per spawn at 25°C. Water at 28°C and 8°N carbonate hardness was reached spawn to 1200 eggs pieces.
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