Effect of some Improvement Works on the Floristic Composition of the Vegetal Cover in Nardus stricta Grasslands
Nardus stricta, floristic composition, fertilisation, amendment, re-sowingAbstract
The study of the floristic composition of Nardus stricta grasslands improved through fertilisation, amendment and re-sowing for 18 years points out a structural change of the vegetal cover compared to the initial state of the floristic composition. During this time interval, the share of Nardus stricta dropped from 40 to 14% in the variants grazed rationally (without treatments), from 40 to 4% in the variant fertilised with NPK and grazed, and from 40% to the total disappearance of the species in the variants fertilised with NPK, amended, and re-sowed. The species Nardus stricta was replaced by high-fodder value species such as Agrostis capillaris, Poa pratensis, and Trifolium repens.
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