Analysis of Beta-Lactoglobuline Gene (LGB) Polymorphism in Different Breeds of Bulls by High Resolution Melting


  • Martina Miluchová Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, 949 76–Nitra, Tr. A Hlinku, 2, Slovakia
  • Anna Trakovická Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, 949 76–Nitra, Tr. A Hlinku, 2, Slovakia
  • Michal Gábor Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, 949 76–Nitra, Tr. A Hlinku, 2, Slovakia


beta-lactoglobulin, bulls, HRMA


The goal of the paper was to identify b - lactoglobulin gene polymorphism in bulls. The b - lactoglobulin (LGB) is expressed in milk and is important in the evaluation of milk production potential and butterfat and protein content. LGB is localized on bovine chromosome 11. The AA genotype of LGB is associated with higher milk yield, the BB genotype with higher fat and casein content and is more desirable for cheese making. The material involved 46 bulls (Slovak spotted breed – 41 bulls, Pinzgau breed – 3 bulls and Holstein breed – 2 bulls). Bovine genomic DNA was isolated from sperm using commercial kit NucleoSpin Tissue and used in order to estimate LGB genotypes by means of PCR RFLP method and high resolution melting analysis (HRMA). In the population of Slovak spotted breed we detected all genotypes AA, AB and BB with frequency 0.3415, 0.4390 and 0.2195, subsequently. In Pinzgau breed was detected homozygote genotypes AA and BB with frequency 0.3333 and 0.6667. In Holstein breed was observed only heterozygote genotype AB with frequency 1.


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