Appreciation of Special Combinative Capacity at Three Oryctolagus Cunicullus Populations from Timis County, for Average Nest Weight and Corporal Mass of the Descendants at the Age of 7 Days
special combinative capacity, capacity, crossing, hybridsAbstract
Non additive genetic component that is the base of a quantitative character has no predictability, this is the reason for which the present paper is proposing to appreciate the special combinatory capacity for corporal mass of the descendants at birth in a specific crossing scheme combining three rabbit breeds common for average nest weight and corporal mass of the descendants at the age of 7 days, in Timis county breeders New Zealand White, Large Chinchilla and Californian. The data obtained, statistic presented prove a good special combinative capacity for this character, reason for which the crossing scheme is recommended for producing meat individuals destined for slaughterhouses. This scheme provides an exploitation of the high fervency of the heterozygote at maternal forms and at the final hybrids.
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