The Effect of Trace Elements Supplementation in Organic Diets for Light Breed Avian Youth on the Bioproductive Indices
mineral nutrition, organic feed, organic productionAbstract
The aim of this study was to examine the bioproductive indices of light breed avian youth fed with different trace mineral levels in diets. The experiment was conducted on 168 light breed chickens divided into three experimental groups: G1 without mineral supplementation, G2 supplementation level were at 50% then G3 which was supplemented correspondent to the intensive growing system. During the entire experimental period, respectively 1–20 weeks, trace elements supplementation influenced significantly the body weight, in G2, which was 6% (p<0.05) higher compared to G1, and 2.5% (p>0.05) compared G3. Efficiency of feed conversion (FCE) in G2 and G3 which was 10% (p>0.05) higher compared to G1.
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