Structural Changes of the Testis and Changes in Semen Quality Parameters Caused by Intraperitoneal and Peroral Administration of Selenium in Rats
CASA, histology, morphometry, rat, selenium, sperm, testisAbstract
The aim of this study was to find the structural changes in the testis and semen quality parameters of rat after a single intraperitoneal and repeated peroral selenium administration. Rats were killed 36 hours following the intraperitoneal administration of selenium selenite (2 b.w.; 98% purity) and after 90 days of the peroral repeated administration of selenium in drinking water (5 mg.l-1). Testis samples were evaluated by histological and morphometrical methods in light microscopy. Evaluation of semen samples were examined with CASA method. 36 hours after the selenium i.p. administration, damage of cellular associations, release of necrotised epithelial cells to tubule lumen and fibrotisation and extension of interstitium were observed. Morphometry methods have shown the reduction of seminiferous epithelium volume (P<0.001), extension of interstitium (P<0.001) and increased area of intraepithelial spaces (P<0.01). In p.o. group similar but more intense changes were noted; in addition, occasionall degeneration of seminiferous tubuli and rarely total damage in histoarchitecture of seminiferous epithelium were observed. CASA analysis revealed significant decrease in all parameters except the concentration of spermatozoa. Additionally, we suppose that p.o. dose 5 mg.l-1 sodium selenite in drinking water is minimum lethal dose level for young rats. Selenium after i.p. and p.o. administration causes damage of seminiferous epithelium and interstitium. It leads to changes in relative proportion of functional tissues of the testis. Reduced spermatogenesis and harmful effects in semen parameters are characteristic especially for peroral repeated (subchronic) administration. These changes are time- and dose-dependent. In both dosage methods subfertility or infertility can appear.
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