Statistical Estimation of the Degree of Contamination with Mycotoxins in Feed for Cattle
cattle, CFF, contaminated, mycotoxinAbstract
The research aimed toxicological monitoring of feed produced in a unit type CFF (combined forage feed) of an
intensive type ruminant farm during january-june 2013. To fulfill that purpose were collected and analyzed a total of
10 forage samples represented by CF (combined forage) T2-0-3 steers, soybean grist, corn, CF ruminants, CF
muttons, CF 01-0-3 muttons, CF 21-2 for determining mycotoxin load, pursuing the following parameters:
concentration of AFB1 (aflatoxin B1), concentration of ZEA (zearalenone), concentration of OTA (ochratoxin).
Quantitative determination of residues of aflatoxin B1, ZEA and OTA in cereals and animal food was performed by
ELISA immunoassay. Following the research it was established that 80% of the total samples were contaminated
with both OTA and AFB1 and ZEA; 3 of the 8 contaminated samples (37.5%) showed high levels of concentration
for the three mycotoxins.
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