Evaluation of Relationship between Traits of Milk Production and Reproduction Traits in Dairy Cows of the Slovak spotted breed
Slovak spotted breed, dairy cows, traits of milk production, reproduction traits, correlationAbstract
The aim this work was to evaluate relationships between traits of milk production and reproduction traits in breeding herds of Slovak spotted breed in the period 1992-2010 the results for 10 514 Slovak cows. The basic statistic analysis were analysed using the SAS version 9.1. In the first lactation of dairy cows produced 4 685.18 kg of milk, 193.82 kg of fat and 156.51 kg of proteins. Correlation between evaluated traits of milk production and age at first calving were lower negative and statistically high significant (P<0.0001), scilicet between kgs of milk age at first calving = - 0.06731and correlation between milk in kg with calving interval 1 (r= - 0.06945) and with calving interval 2 (r= - 0.04554) were statistically high significant (P<0.0001). The analyses by the effect on age of first calving was the highest effect of HYS R2= 0.4478 and on calving interval was the highest effect of HYS R2= 0.1526.
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