The Impact of Mycotic Contaminated Feed on the Health of Pigs and on the Human Consumer


  • Daniela Moţ University of Life Sciences ̋ King Mihai I ̋, Faculty of Bioengineering of Animal Resources, 300645-Timişoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Emil Tîrziu University of Life Sciences King Mihai I ̋, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 300645-Timişoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania


contamination, fungi, intoxication, micotoxins


Mycotoxins are produced by filamentous fungi (molds) that are always present in nature and under the right conditions, have the potential to contaminate almost all raw materials used in pig feed. Mycotoxins are not produced by a single species of mold, which means that different species can produce the same mycotoxins. Molds grow using nutrients from infested plants or raw materials they infest, reducing their nutrient value. This work highlights the negative effects of the presence of microscopic fungi and the toxins released by them in the feed of farm animals, respectively pigs. However, the mycotoxins  pose a much greater risk to animals, with pigs being particularly susceptible to this contamination. Most regulatory standards set safe levels of individual mycotoxins. However, the rules do not take into account the cumulative effects of the presence of multiple mycotoxins in feed and the negative effects exerted by human consumption of meat from these animals. In the laboratory, determinations were made on the feed administered to the pigs that showed changes in the state of health, and two species of microscopic fungi were identified, namely Aspergillus and Penicillium. Knowing the negative influence of intoxication states on the health of animals as a result of the administration of moldy feed, the methods of their prevention are of major importance.


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