The Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix L.) - the Indicator of the Sustainable Agriculture
agriculture, field margin, grey partridge, hedgerows, indicator, sustainabilityAbstract
Agricultural intensification has played an important role in the decline of biodiversity in farmland ecosystems. Habitat degradation has resulted in reduced edge effects. This has led to species loss, soil degradation, deflation and drying of arable land. Much of Europe is farmland, which has a significant impact on the continent's climate. Although the previous conditions cannot be fully restored, beetle banks, grasslands and hedgerows can be well integrated into the agricultural policy of the European Union. How do linear habitats affect the microclimate, biosphere and crops? An endemic farmland bird, the grey partridge (Perdix perdix) is an indicator of healthy farmland ecosystems. Their population has declined drastically in recent decades across Europe.
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