Study on the Influence of the Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) on the Chemical Composition of the Muscle in European Catfish (Silurus glanis)


  • Petruța Gherescu University of Life Sciences „King Mihai I” from Timișoara, 300645-Timișoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Gabi Dumitrescu University of Life Sciences „King Mihai I” from Timișoara, 300645-Timișoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Silvia Pătruică University of Life Sciences „King Mihai I” from Timișoara, 300645-Timișoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Lavinia Ștef University of Life Sciences „King Mihai I” from Timișoara, 300645-Timișoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Sandra Mihailov University of Life Sciences „King Mihai I” from Timișoara, 300645-Timișoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Miruna Copil University of Life Sciences „King Mihai I” from Timișoara, 300645-Timișoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Adrian Grozea University of Life Sciences „King Mihai I” from Timișoara, 300645-Timișoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania


coriander, European catfish, muscle quality, phyto-additives, Silurus glanis


European catfish (Silurus glanis) plays an important role in aquaculture due to its fast growth rate, its resistance to different environmental conditions, its adaptability to different rearing systems and the high nutritional and qualitative properties of the meat. Studies by many researchers have proven that coriander (Coriandrum sativum) has beneficial biological effects in fish, but studies regarding its or other phyto-additives influence on the meat quality of European catfish are sparse. The current study aimed to evaluate the influence of coriander seeds powder as phyto-additive (2 and 4%) in dry food pellets given to the European catfish, on chemical composition of its muscle. The coriander seed powder was administered 14 weeks in fish feed in two trials in duplicate: 2% and 4% to one-year-old European catfish. Three hundred fish were randomly selected and stocked into 6 tanks, 50 fish per tank. At the end of the experiment, 5 fish were collected from each tank, euthanized and used for the evaluation of the muscle quality. A piece of epaxial muscle from the highest part of the body was sampled, and subjected to the assessment of the crude protein and fat content, ash and moisture. The results revealed that coriander do not have a significant influence on muscle quality in general, but led to a significant (p£0.01) decrease of crude fat content.



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